Helm Basic Commands
Install and Uninstall Apps
Install an app:
helm install [app-name] [chart]
Install an app in a specific namespace:
helm install [app-name] [chart] --namespace [namespace]
Override the default values with those specified in a file of your choice:
helm install [app-name] [chart] --values [yaml-file/url]
Run a test installation to validate and verify the chart:
helm install [app-name] --dry-run --debug
Uninstall a release:
helm uninstall [release]
App Upgrade and Rollback
Upgrade an app:
helm upgrade [release] [chart]
Rollback changes if the upgrade fails:
helm upgrade [release] [chart] --atomic
Upgrade a release. If it does not exist on the system, install it:
helm upgrade [release] [chart] --install
Upgrade to a specified version:
helm upgrade [release] [chart] --version [version-number]
Rollback a release:
helm rollback [release] [revision]
Download Release Information
Download all the release information:
helm get all [release]
Download all hooks:
helm get hooks [release]
Download the manifest:
helm get manifest [release]
Download the notes:
helm get notes [release]
Download the values file:
helm get values [release]
Fetch release history:
helm history [release]
Add, Remove, and Update Repositories
Add a repository from the internet:
helm repo add [repository-name] [url]
Remove a repository from your system:
helm repo remove [repository-name]
Update repositories:
helm repo update
List and Search Repositories
helm repo list
Generate an index file containing charts found in the current directory:
helm repo index
Search charts for a keyword:
helm search [keyword]
helm search repo [keyword]
Search Helm Hub:
helm search hub [keyword]
Release Monitoring
List all available releases in the current namespace:
helm list
List all available releases across all namespaces:
helm list --all-namespaces
List all releases in a specific namespace:
helm list --namespace [namespace]
List all releases in a specific output format:
helm list --output [format]
Apply a filter to the list of releases using regular expressions:
helm list --filter '[expression]'
See the status of a specific release:
helm status [release]
Display the release history
helm history [release] See information about the Helm client environment:
helm env
Plugin Management
Install plugins:
helm plugin install [path/url1] [path/url2] ...
View a list of all installed plugins:
helm plugin list
Update plugins:
helm plugin update [plugin1] [plugin2] ...
Uninstall a plugin:
helm plugin uninstall [plugin]
Chart Management
helm create [name]
Package a chart into a chart archive:
helm package [chart-path]
Run tests to examine a chart and identify possible issues:
helm lint [chart]
Inspect a chart and list its contents:
helm show all [chart]
Display the chart’s definition:
helm show chart [chart]
Display the chart’s values:
helm show values [chart]
Download a chart:
helm pull [chart]
Download a chart and extract the archive’s contents into a directory:
helm pull [chart] --untar --untardir [directory]
Display a list of a chart’s dependencies:
helm dependency list [chart]
Get Help and Version Information Display the general help output for Helm:
helm --help
Show help for a particular helm command:
helm [command] --help
See the installed version of Helm:
helm version