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Generate SQL from migration files

Use the migrate command

You can add the --pretend flag when you run php artisan migrate to output the queries to the terminal:

php artisan migrate --pretend

This will look something like this:

Migration table created successfully.
CreateUsersTable: create table "users" ("id" integer not null primary key autoincrement, "name" varchar not null, "email" varchar not null, "password" varchar not null, "remember_token" varchar null, "created_at" datetime not null, "updated_at" datetime not null)
CreateUsersTable: create unique index users_email_unique on "users" ("email")
CreatePasswordResetsTable: create table "password_resets" ("email" varchar not null, "token" varchar not null, "created_at" datetime not null)
CreatePasswordResetsTable: create index password_resets_email_index on "password_resets" ("email")
CreatePasswordResetsTable: create index password_resets_token_index on "password_resets" ("token")

To save this to a file, just redirect the output without ansi:

php artisan migrate --pretend --no-ansi > migrate.sql

This command only include the migrations that hasn't been migrated yet.

